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Challenge Tool

The Project

During the pandemic, numerous individuals sought ways to stay entertained and exercise within the confines of their homes. With this insight, I initiated a project to brainstorm the development of a feature or app in collaboration with META, enabling people to share their workouts and engage in them collectively—all from the comfort of their homes.

Project Time

3 weeks


All UX Design & Research sprint

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ADM Flow

User Flow


Through in-depth research to understand the global fitness market, it was observed that the annual value generated in this type of business globally is approximately 126 billion dollars, with Brazil alone representing 3 billion dollars. Using the TAM (Total Addressable Market), SAM (Serviceable Addressable Market), and SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market) methodology, we estimate that we have the opportunity to capture at least 10% of market share, demonstrating that this is a viable and promising project for investment.

300.000.000 USD

10% =

Users today

In order to understand how modern users engage with the fitness world, we conducted a market research focusing on the main apps that are widely used and highly ranked on the Apple and Android platforms. Additionally, we carried out a quantitative survey with real users to validate the personas that I create. The selected apps for market analysis included Nike Running, Strava, MyFitnessPal, and Adidas Training. Below are the key findings from the user research.

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Building upon the data collected from the user test mentioned above, three distinct persona profiles have been developed. One for low frequency, another for moderate frequency, and a third for high frequency in engaging in physical exercises.



Based on the research findings, we determined that it is currently more feasible to integrate a tool within an existing app rather than creating an entirely new application. Therefore, I chose to implement this within WhatsApp, as it is the most widely used app in Brazil for group conversations and exhibited the highest level of user engagement in our surveys.

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ADM wireframe

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User wireframe

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MVP before test

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ADM Flow

User Flow

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