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Sky Tracking

Sky tracking is a drone delivery tracking application that came to make life easier for users who usually shop online and receive their orders at home. Through a simple, intuitive and safe flow, the information comes quickly and accurately directly to the user.


For this project, MVP was developed only for a mobile application, in order to the user be able to manage their information wherever they are.

No more disagreements with your order! With Sky Tracking you can edit the day and time of receipt, thus making it a better experience for all users.

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All UX design sprint


4 Months



Less Is More




Design an intuitive and useful interface for as many people as possible.

Create a fun, attractive and user-friendly UI.

Gain trust and make life easier for users.

Provide the possibility of viewing delivery tracking via drone in a simple, fast, safe and effective way.


To start this project, all the design and functionality was based on previous experiences of real users who receive their purchases at home (via drone or not). For this I chose the qualitative method of research with personas to better understand their pains, goals and desires in an application with this functionality. To raise the initial key questions, I did a competitive analysis, chat with potential users, and survey personas hypotheses. Coming then to the following questions:

"What is the product and for whom will it be made?"

"Who will be our main users?"

"How will the app generate profit?"

"What possible problems might we have?"

"What is our main differentiator from competitors?"

"How to gain the trust of users?"

With the data from the research carried out with possible users to understand their pains, goals and desires in a tool like this, I made an affinity diagram with relevant information, and then I separated into topics some questions and notes that could positively impact the project in some way.

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*Designed on FigJam


Some Users

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Gabriel Henrique


Gabriel is a young university student who works together with his father, and spends a large part of his salary on online purchases and always follows his tracking through different platforms. With Skytracking he will be able to manage all his deliveries via drone in one place.

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Geice Keli

Sales Assistent

Geice is a sales assistant who likes to feel secure in everything she does. He always analyzes every detail and plans everything he does. If she doesn't feel safe with something, she doesn't follow through. With skytracking, she will have access to all her deliveries in a safe way, with complete and necessary data for a problem-free experience.

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Denis Santos


Denis is a student who is addicted to online shopping and usually spends his day on the street. Whenever he goes shopping, he is worried about the delivery date and time, because he wants to be at home to receive his products. With skytracking he will be able to edit the delivery date and time within a day that suits his needs, making Skytracking a great option for his daily life.


Competitive Analysis

I carried out the analysis of some possible competitors, which despite doing the same type of tracking, can still impact Sky Tracking's business. Skytracking has the chance to make a difference in the market by being one of the first Drone delivery tracking applications, which can become a reference in the market through partnerships with different E-Commerce companies.


There were many similar characteristics among the companies analyzed, but the main ones pointed out were:

  • Email synchronization.

  • All straight to the point.

  • Do not give the user more options.

  • Simple interface.

  • Without many details of the delivery.

  • Little interaction with the user.

  • Too much advertising.


Preparing the Journey

I constructed a user flow of what a basic start to finish journey looks like while tracking a delivery. This helps us in understanding ways users can interact with the product, as well as allowing me to see navigation through user goals.


User Storyboard



After making some sketches of wireframe proposals, thinking about the main flow, I did a review of what would be necessary and unnecessary in the app and what could and needed to be improved.
I did my best to ensure that, despite being simple, at this stage I had already guaranteed a good flow and experience for the user.



After creating the low-fidelity prototype, I prepared x questions and x tasks to conduct an unmonitored usability survey with 10 selected people who fit the profile chosen for the test.



Most users question the need to put their personal data to have full access to the information.



Users report that the status of deliveries could be shown in different ways of filtering.


My Account

Users reported that as they had all the information easily on the user screen, there was no need for a side menu.



Users felt the registration page boring through a form. With that I broke the form in 7 steps with only questions necessary for the final objective.


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A crucial element in winning over users is to design a conflict-free splash screen. At the very start of the user's journey, they should immediately gain access to the primary tool and intuitively understand how to use it. If users wish to access more advanced features, they will be prompted to log in or register for security reasons.

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Challange 2

Less is More

When the user is tracking their order, they will have access to the essential information needed to retrieve the desired details. For additional options, there are intuitively placed buttons that enhance the user experience.


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When discussing a tracking application, users typically receive information about their current location and estimated delivery time. However, with Skytracking, users gain access to a comprehensive view of their orders, including those already placed, those in progress, and even those that may have been canceled for various reasons. Through an intuitive interface and a range of filters, users can efficiently manage their deliveries.


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When the application offers a more comprehensive user experience, the aim is to ensure that the user feels secure when sharing their data and accessing information that only they can see, such as their address. The app provides various pieces of information to clarify the reasons behind certain security measures, all designed to enhance user comfort.


Style Guide

Combining incredibly vivid colors to create Skytracking's signature gradient came from wanting to express to users just how creative the interface can be. The splash screen feels warm and welcoming enough to draw the user further in. 



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As my first UX study, Skytracking will always hold a special place in my heart and inspire me for future projects. Throughout this endeavor, I consistently aimed to make the concept accessible and user-friendly for anyone.

I firmly believe in the principle of "less is more," so I focused only on elements that were truly necessary and could contribute to a better user experience. My entire project was aligned with Google's overarching goal, which was to create an app for tracking deliveries via drones.

In my view, the most challenging aspect was devising a solution for something that isn't yet a reality in our world – drone deliveries. This, I believe, introduced some constraints in terms of what was feasible or not in the conceptualization phase. However, I also see this as the most rewarding part of the process because it pushed the boundaries of my imagination.

As my inaugural project, I am delighted with the outcomes of both the idea and its execution. I will carry the experience gained here forward, using it as a wellspring of inspiration and a catalyst for improvement in my future undertakings. I extend special thanks to the entire team of Google instructors, my review partners, and my supportive friends and family.

Pedro Santos

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